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Tuesday 11 October 2016

Illegal Immigrants in Malaysia

Pardesi.. Pardesi.. Kiu aya.... Ghar jao....Ghar jao... Hi.. Assalamualaikum.. I am back.. so many things to be done.. it or not, I have to abandon writing for almost 2 months. While doing my things, I am still able to send back 5 Bangladeshi Bhai back to their country. I cannot understand why must they risk their lives and come to Malaysia without actually knowing what they will face here. They simply (stupidly) listen to the unscrupulous agents and started building castles in the air. They spend whatever they have, rent their land to neighbours, sell their goru (cow) and do whatever they could to be able to realize their dreams of coming to Malaysia. First by getting their passports done, that too by using agent. Something that costs only 100 ringgit in Malaysia but in Bangladesh it will cost them at least 1500 ringgit (times 18 taka) so approximately 27,000 taka. A month or two later, they will get their passports and then will pass it to another agent to get the visa for either student or tourist. That task will cost them about 5000 ringgit or 90,000 taka or even higher. With that kind of rate, definitely they have to sacrifice what ever their family owns. Everyone is willing to chip in as they are also desperate to have someone that could be the breadwinner for the family for 5 to 10 years to come, if that fellow is lucky enough not to be caught by the Malaysian immigration. When the day comes, off he flies to Malaysia with brand new shirt, pants and shoes.

Image result for foto bangla (only for illustration purpose)

They did not realize what they have left behind in Bangladesh. They left their spouses and kids, parents,  simple food that they love.. elis mas.. their playground .. the rice field.. mustard field... palang shark.. all for the money they thought they could bring back....

Image result for foto bangla          Image result for foto bangla

Image result for foto bangla             Image result for foto bangla

Never in their wildest dream that they will be caught by the immigration and will be deported. It would be lucky if they are able to work and managed to get back all the money that they had spent in order to get to Malaysia, what if they are caught after they just arrived in Malaysia for about a year or so. I believed with that kind of duration, they are  still struggling to get a stable income and certainly have not able to get the initial money that they had used or spent to come to Malaysia... Bidesh... kichu nai bhai...

If  they are caught, the whole family will be doomed. That is how it always happen. When it happens, sometimes I would be playing my small role. There are some people telling me to set an organization or NGO so that i can increase the number of people that I could help. I don't know, with my own job still hanging here and there...LOL... Do you want to know what is actually my role?

Look at the picture down there. It was like that.. once upon a time, though now it's getting better, still we can't expect much of rapid development or changes, do we... What do you expect? Three Star Hotel? Of course nope.. nope.. nope...!!! I would say every country will do that, I mean , if the immigration depots are so comfortable, then every illegal immigrant will  find excuses to be able to stay at the depot for some time as it is so comfortable to live in.

However, in the real condition, the moment they were caught, there is no way that they will feel comfortable. You couldn't blame the immigration officers as they are actually just doing their work.As for the people who had been detained, words has traveled to their family and the whole family will started crying. As for you. who are being detained in the depot, times move painstakingly  slow. You will be remanded at least for a week before the  immigration court decides as to deport you or will send you to be jailed (even worse) for a certain amount of time.If you are to be deported, you will be send to  the immigration depot all over Malaysia depending on the vacancy.. I would say, as the number of illegal immigrants that are being detained has increase along with the number of operations that are being done by the immigration. If you are lucky enough, you will be put into the depot near to the area where you had been detained.

However, you are still unlucky if nobody knows that you are being detained. If you have friends that noticed that you have been detained and informed that to your family, then you still have hope to get back to your country and most importantly to your family. Why... because here is Malaysia and not Saudi which has money to send you back overnight. With thousands of illegal immigrants in the depot, don't expect to be sent easily and getting free ticket is not an option. Maybe when there is a Sultan's of a state  Birthday celebration, His Royal Highness will kindly support a few tickets, how about the rest? So, the best and only solution is getting the money back from your family to fly you back to your own country.

As usual, here comes again the agent (Benggoli are so damn good at becoming agents).Unfortunately these agents are not all genuine. Some just take the money and ..poof.. gone. Some might be genuine but the fees that they charge... wow, they are leeches man.. they don't care that their deshi bhai is having a hard time finding money to get back to their motherland.

Image result for FOTO  depot IMIGRESEN


While the agents are working outside, you will just have to bear the circumstances.Sleeping and eating (could you?). Sounds easy than it really is. If the depot is too crowded, then you would be living miserably. Waiting for miracles.

Image result for FOTO  depot IMIGRESEN

This is where and when I will come into the picture... Someone, normally a friend of the illegal immigrant could have heard about me, it is like an advertisement from mouth to mouth.. and it travels fast, even I could not fathom it... Suddenly I realized that I had helped sending back almost 50 them and every time I faced different experience which indirectly opened my eyes to see things from different perspectives and I do appreciate it. That... has teach me to appreciate life and have respect to all human kinds, no matter if they are illegal immigrants. We created the border, God never has... 

As God say, if we help to ease someone's burden, in shaa allah, he will do that unto us. That's what I believe and with that I travel during my holidays to help sending back these unlucky  immigrants. I will talk to the family, arrange a meeting with the immigrants in the depot, if they need extra food I will buy it from the canteen at the depot (stock them with ration) while I go back and arrange for their out pass to be completed. This is not an easy task as it involves Bangladesh Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.       

Tuesday 16 August 2016



Have you watched Sultan.... Yes... Good... Nope... Better do it...Listen to the song sung by Rahat.. Jhag Ghoomeya... the way Sallu Bhai clean the floor with his back... ha ha.. so nice and refreshing to the mind and soul.. plus the fighting scenes in the ring.. however don't use your logical mind too much.. just watch and enjoy the fact that people can change if they want to.

Pardon me for not writing for such quite sometime.. life has been so hectic.. kind of juggling things..

Bhai or beheno... itna musykil... phir bhi me koshish karega.. kitna bhi kom waqt.. lekin me socha.. jobhi.. hamesha koshish karo.. ise liye aaj.. kese bhi.. torasa likna parega.. Kalal.. phir se me Sultan Movie dekta.. Sallu bhai ka movement 'Baby ko bass pasan aye' bohut cute lagta.. bar bar dekta hu me.. or meri beti or beta bhi..

Sach bhola abhi me.. ek training class ka andar.. CEFR (Common European Framework of Refernce) by the Cambridge Council people... torasa break toh chori chori meri blog khulega.. kiu ki bohut din dekha nehi... hu hu... kam si kam aaj dekhsakta...

Last but not least guys... find time and watch SULTAN...

Monday 11 July 2016


Hi again..Eid mubarak to all muslims

With the Eid celebration, here comes the movie that most awaited by Sallu bhai fans.. Sultan!! After the outstanding performance of Bhajrangi Bhaijaan definitely his fans are anticipating a better performance by the unstoppable Salman Khan. Despite all the controversial statements regarding the strenuous exercise which being mentioned by him as he was just being raped (if he is a lady.. hu hu ) which caused a stir among his enemies as well as his fans too... still the film is expected to pocket in so much revenue... Kudos Sallu Bhai..
I can't say much now since I haven't seen it yet.. Hopefully it would not be like the time I watched Jaiho... It will be revealed this coming weekend as I have promised my daughter and son to go and watch it in Kuala Lumpur... Juz wait and see....

Thursday 23 June 2016



It's actually cheek pea (bud) and mixed with rice that puffs up when heated (muri). Along with chopped onion, chilies and sanasur / murukku (a savoury, crunchy  snack made of flour ) and drizzle with mustard oil. Walla... such a nice and simple yet very appetizing. You can always find it being sold at the roadside.. but i prefer to make it on my own as I can be assured of the cleanliness... Plus, I would like it to be slightly hot.. means extra kaca moris... khub shad.. Having this as a dish to break our fasting would be lovely


Mentioning this name already brought back my memories of how tasty this delicacy of Bangladesh is. Bought it on the way to Dili Border, precisely in Mahashtangarh...Meri sabse bara ghalti...itna kom liya.. itna absos bat me... kiu... Because every time they give me is so fact too sweet that I cannot consume it.. so, with that presumption, I refused to buy  too much of Kodkuthi.. How in world I would know that this thing is different... 

This is what I love the  most when I was there. They are very creative and innovative when it comes to preparing a dish. With simple potato they can come up with all sorts of dishes and desserts. Same goes with dhals (lentils).I  guess, empty stomachs make people think to create dishes with what they have in their possessions.. make the best of what they have... as I said in my previous posting, it is just a matter of appreciating what you have... Syukran Allah.. walham dulillah...

Saturday 4 June 2016


Sesungguhnya bumi Allah ini kaya dengan hasil bagi mereka yang mahu berusaha dan tahu bersyukur...  That is how they live in Bangladesh.. Food.. no problem.. turn to the left or right, you will find food everywhere.. its just a matter of appreciating it or not. 

Jika diimbas kembali, ia sama seperti Malaysia suatu ketika dahulu, terutama di zaman nenek dan ibu kita dahulu yang hanya mengutip kangkung mahupun mengorek ubi kayu untuk dijadikan bahan makanan. Alangkah sedihnya apabila zaman ini, rakyat Malaysia sudah menjadi umpama kufur nikmat lantaran kemewahan yang tidak terkawal.

Sesekali menyingkap tabir hidup yang sebegini membuatkan rasa insaf menyucuk sanubari dan menjentik rasa sesal dihati atas kealpaan sendiri. Semoga allah sentiasa mengingatkan diriku ini bahawa tiada satupun milik kita yang boleh dibanggakan melainkan segalanya milik Rabbul Jalil...

Boro mas bhai... khub shad

Apa pun, mari kita  lihat ikan yang ditangkap oleh Shahidul Bhai ini akan diproses oleh Tanjula Appa (kakak) dan Parul Appa.

One thing that I would like to stress here is that, they only catch the biggest fish to serve to  the guest. At first, I was wondering why were they letting go a lot of fish out from the net, later I was told that they refused to keep the small fish as they were looking for the best to be served to the guest. Mashaallah..

Sebenarnya mereka benar-benar mengamalkan suruhan baginda yang mengajar kita bahawa sekiranya ingin bersedekah maka berilah yang terbaik. Alangkah besarnya hati orang kampung ini yang datang bercawat pelikat sahaja untuk bekerjasama menangkap ikan untuk dihidangkan kepada tetamu. Malahan kita orang Malaysia yang dikategorikan berada pun kadang-kadang terdetik sifat kurang ikhlas ketika menderma

Iseleye..lokh bhola.. sirf boro dil lokh..hamesha kushi milega..kiu? Kiu ki.. wo lokh hamesha achi sochta.. kharap kabhi bhi nehi sochta..(positive thinking)

Tanjula or Parul appa..

Ini suatu lagi seni dapur yang saya perhatikan sangat berbeza dari apa yang biasa kita gunakan di Malaysia. Kita menggunakan pisau untuk memotong namun di bumi Bangladesh, mereka menggunakan sabit yang ditegakkan menantang ke arah pengguna sebagai alat memotong. Ia dinamakan Bodhi. Ketika pertama kali melihat, saya agak ngeri memandangkan ia amat tajam. Namun tatkala melihat kemahiran yang sangat tinggi dipertontonkan oleh kedua-kedua kakak ini membuatkan saya terlopong kehairanan bercampur kagum. Sabit ini biasanya mempunyai kaki besi yang membolehkan ia terpacak dengan stabil.Walaubagaimanapun.. andai tiada kemahiran yang sepatutnya, ia tetap sahaja membahayakan.

Tanjula appa is cutting the fish using Bodhi

I would say, that was a significant eye-opening day for me.. a heart-touching day too, I guess... I will always remember that day... 

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Deshi Bhai: Life in Malaysia

Construction: Khub kostol bhai... bohut musykil.. taka mota moti bhalo kintu kas bhalo na.. Many fatal accidents involving workers from Bangladesh, nepal, Indonesia. Sometimes because of their own mistakes and sometimes.. well.. God knows...

Food: Khana.. kabhi kabhi achi khana milta or kabhi kabhi torasa kharap. Kintu.. cholbo.. Kia karu kam ke liye aya he na.. to bardash karna parega.

Goru mata kinsen... he he.....enjoy...

Friday 27 May 2016


RICKSHAW- A common mode of transportation either to the commoners nor the mid class society..

CNG - I would say.. very strong mode of transportation. It carries 6 to seven passengers at a time and maneuvered well by the skilled  driver even through the small lanes in the gram(villages) where the lanes are sometimes full of pot holes especially after the rainy seasons.

DOUBLE DECKER BUSES- Never thought that I would see that in Dhaka. I guess the influence of how many years being under British administration (when Bangladesh was still under India) But I would rather use the CNG because I feel safer rather than boarding the buses. Fatal accidents are common in Bangladesh, however it is prone to single deck buses as the drivers are speeding beyond the limits permitted along the 2-lane road. Police will be standing besides the road holding a stick or long rattan and will only wave to indiscipline riders whenever there is an accident is about to occur. To make matters worst, everyone seems ignoring the traffic lights. No matter red lights, yellow or green.. it is as though the lights are always green... nobody bothers... it scares the hell out of me...

BUDBUDHI- Simple transportation created by innovative Bangladesh people. Combination of tractors engine and manually built in body, painted with colourful motives. A very attractive transport I would say because it could be carrying loads like cows in half front of the carrier and the rear will be filled up with commuters. This is also a good transport for the village folks to go out for marketing as it costs them minimally.

TRAIN - It's in their blood.. I guess, to ride the train.. especially during the Eid. See how they even use the roof to sit so that they can go back to their hometown. What do you expect when a country as small as Bangladesh is swarmed by at least 180 million people (and growing)!!

LORRIES - Nicely painted and gigantic.. They are the Kings on the road. With so many things to transport not only within the country, in fact to India. From food to garments to medicine.. all whizzing in and out of the country.

SHIPS - I haven't had the chance to try this.. something the locals call Lounge. Normally found in Barisal Distrct. Heard about fatal accidents that involved this kind of transportation especially during Eid where the unscrupulous operators will simply load in more passengers than it should.


What a choice of transportation for such a small country..See you again in my next writing

Wednesday 25 May 2016


 Rickshaw men in front of Bogra Court

Tea stall in front of Bogra Court

Your life is your choice... I have to agree with that.. Whatever choice you have made, try to make the best out of it and ENJOY it... that's what I can say with these people. From my own perspective, it is such a hard work to paddle around the busy town of Bogra. Furthermore, with the never ending traffic of cars, lorries, motorcycles, rickshaws, budbudhi (a type of transportation well known in the country) as well as CNG (actually it is  like a 'tut tut' in Thailand or Auto in India- since it is using CNG gas to operate the engine, so people call it as CNG compared to some other countries where NGV is more widely used).

Back to the 'hardwork'.. I realized that those people who work as rickshaw paddlers are so contented and happy to 'sail their ship' against the stormy ride of Bogra traffic... In fact they showed their lighter side(while waiting for customers) by asking me to snap their photos while enjoying their tea brake. Besides that, people in the tea stall are also happily sipping their tea with no stress and enjoying each others company despite having to operate from a small stall in the compound of the Bogra court.

At the end of the day, you are the one who needs to decide either to be stressed or making the best out of what you have and slowly progress from there. That is what I really learnt from these people. Though for us, they are living such a hard life, yet for them.. they are facing it bravely and even still have the time to entertain us. That shows how thankful they are for having a job rather than begging and they are proud to actually do their job, day in day out... Kudos Bhai....

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Treasured Moment

Jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan... kata-kata yang biasa diluahkan oleh datuk nenek kita dahulu sememangnya benar belaka. Tiada yang lebih penting dari belajar daripada pengalaman dan pengalaman pula adalah hasil dari perjalanan yang kita lakukan. Apa yang penting.. bukakan minda untuk melihat atau mengambil yang terbaik dan yang buruk dijadikan sempadan. Sesungguhnya bumi Allah ini tiada penghujungnya bagi insan yang mahu belajar... Ikuti pengalaman saya menelusuri bumi Benggoli ini yang mengajar saya erti kemanusiaan yang mendalam dan mengikis pandangan yang prejudis dan pesimis yang tertanam di minda sebelum ini. Sesungguhnya Allah maha adil lagi maha mengetahui...

Mesmerizing water, beautiful and serene surroundings are what you can expect when you travel to the small villages in Bangladesh. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to really travel there and learn a bit of their cultures. I was preoccupied with the thought that the country is the poorest and undeveloped.. but to my astonishment.. they have more to offer which are definitely beyond my expectations. They appreciate and welcome visitors in their own special ways and manners that will overwhelm you....

Itna ghalat femi hu me.. sirf me nehi lagta...kiu ki.. hum lokh hamesha news dekha.. jo news hamesha bolta, Bangladesh itna gharib desh.. Lekin.. 20 din Bangladesh ka andar giya me.. or kaha kaha visit kiya.. me realized hogiya... ye itna sundar desh or itna achi lokh udhar hei... Mashaallah.. Iseliya.. lokh bolta.. ziada hum gumengga.. to ziada chiz sikayega.. sahi bhola...

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Maiden Post.. Pehli Bar.. Protom Post

Hi and Salam from me,

This the first time I try to write a blog or would I say create a blog.. I have always dream to have a blog but no time(typical huh.. or would rather say lazy and reluctant to try the new technology).

However after giving some thoughts (almost dried my brain liquid..thinking of creating it or not) and also after some persuasions from my colleagues, I just gave it a try.. and.. here it is.

My hope is that I would be able to share  my thoughts, experience and insights on everything that concerns of our lives and what is more is that get to know others that might also have same interests with me by respecting each other as a human being in this world...

So guys.. yeeh pehli bar he meri liye.. toh.. naraz nehi agar jobhi bhi me idher lika..yeh meri pasan hei.. agar tum lokh achi nehi laga.. bohut bohut sorry.. pehle sei maaf mangge ga me (I am not from India but too much of hindi films.. this is what I managed to get.. lol.. thanks to all the Khans especially..

Bhai jaan.. kemon achen.. ami notun lokh.. aj .. amar protom post.. bhalo or kharap.. ami jane na.. Bhalo toh..alhamdulillah.. Kharap toh.. sorry ha bhai..Shiktesi... Donnobad..( Still learning.. and it seems harder than the previous language)